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South Carolina

State of South Carolina Parks

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USA Parks
South Carolina
Lowcountry Region
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
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Savannah National Wildlife Refuge © U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters / Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge © Will Thomas / CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge entrance
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge © U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region / Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge © U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southeast Region / Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge © Jeff Gunn from Atlanta, USA / CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Hooded warbler © Peter Schreck
Friday, May 5, 2023 Kingfisher Pond trail The Hooded warblers were vocal this morning but extremely difficult to locate. Song would bounce around from one area to another. It was fully an hour before I could locate one and finally get some photos. Time well spent.
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Administrative Office - 1000 Business Center Drive
Hardeeville, South Carolina
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Savannah NWR, which lies on both the South Carolina and Georgia sides of the Savannah River just upriver from the city of Savannah, Georgia, was established April 6, 1927. The refuge 28,168 acres include bottomland hardwoods and tidal freshwater marsh. A 3,000 acre fringe area of upland hardwoods exists along the eastern boundary. An additional 3,000 acres forming an impoundment system are managed for migratory wading birds and waterfowl. These freshwater impoundments were formerly the rice fields of plantations dating back to the mid or late 1700's. Many of the dikes enclosing these pools were originally built during the rice culture era.

The refuge is home to a large variety of wildlife including: ducks, geese, wading birds, shorebirds and several endangered and/or threatened species including bald eagles, wood storks, manatees and shortnose sturgeon. The refuge also provides nesting areas for wood ducks, great horned owls, bald eagles, osprey and swallow-tailed kites among others.

Motorists are welcome on the Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive, off of S.C. 170, which meanders along four miles of earthen dikes through the managed freshwater pools and hardwood hammocks. During the spring and fall, you will usually see many alligators sunning themselves on the banks of waterways, along with an assortment of wading birds. During the winter months, waterfowl and other migratory birds are visible in the impoundment system.
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Savannah National Wildlife Refuge is located near Bluffton, Guyton and Okatie

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Area Campgrounds
Hardeeville RV- Thomas Parks and Sites
3090 South Okatie Highway
Hardeeville, SC
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Savannah NWR is located on SC 170, six miles south of Hardeeville, South Carolina via US 17 (exit 5 off I-95) or one mile north of Port Wentworth, Georgia on GA 25/SC 170 (take I-95 Exit 109 to GA 21 South, then east on GA 30 to GA 25 North).

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South Carolina

State of South Carolina Parks